Working and Employment opportunities in China

China is an enormous country with over 1 billion people. Until recently over 80% of the industry was state owned but a rapid reform programme has meant a complete restructuring of this set up to a point now whereby it’s the complete opposite, with only 20% of the industry is in purely state ownership.

The major industries of China are Coal Mining, Oil Extraction, Energy (hydroelectric and nuclear have been in rapid ascendency) and Manufacturing and Automotive Production. Chemical Processing, Cement Production and Steel Fabrication also make up a huge chunk of the national GDP. China is also famed for the manufacture of several well-known high-end tech products.

If you can get a job in China and have the chance to live here it’s a fascinating portal into a modern communist economy. Things have changed rapidly here and China’s might as a financial super power shows no sign of waning.
The CV Doctor